Welcome to the 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Music Interfaces for Listening and Creation (MILC)

To be held in conjunction with the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2023), Sydney, Australia


Monday, 27 March, 2023, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm AEDT (GMT+11), Hybrid: Room (CB10.05.580) and on Zoom


Workshop papers are published in the IUI-WS 23 - Workshops at the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2023 proceedings.

Workshop Topic

Today’s music ecosystem is permeated by digital technology—from recording to production to distribution to consumption. Intelligent technologies and interfaces play a crucial role during all these steps. On the music creation side, tools and interfaces like new sensor-based musical instruments or software like digital audio workstations (DAWs) and sound and sample browsers support creativity. Generative systems can support novice and professional musicians by automatically synthesizing new sounds or even new musical material. On the music consumption side, tools and interfaces such as recommender systems, automatic radio stations, or active listening applications allow users to navigate the virtually endless spaces of music repositories.

Since the workshop’s first two editions in Tokyo 2018 and Los Angeles 2019, we have witnessed a drastic technical evolution and, reflecting this trend, an increase in volume of works dealing with music listening and creation interfaces. In addition to technical developments, we now see further challenges arising wrt. gaining deeper understandings of user intent, in the area of human-AI co-creation, and in building systems for automatic curation of generated contents. To address these and other challenges, the 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Music Interfaces for Listening and Creation (MILC 2023) will again bring together researchers from the communities of music information retrieval (MIR)—in particular content-based retrieval, recommender systems, machine learning, human computer interaction, adaptive systems, and beyond.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Important Dates (updated!)


Web and Technology Chairs:

Program Committee:


Submission is now closed

We solicit two types of submissions:

Vision and position papers may describe ongoing work that has not led to substantial results yet, research projects, or envisioned directions of research in interfaces for music listening and creation. For vision and position papers, we adopt a single-blind reviewing policy, i.e. author anonymization is not required prior to submitting your paper via CMT.

Long papers are intended to describe research results with developed methodological and evaluation procedures, as well as practical works dealing with applications, systems, frameworks, or libraries advancing the areas mentioned as topics of interest. For these papers, optionally, an additional demo can be presented at a designated workshop session. For long papers, please anonymize your submission (double-blind reviewing policy) and submit your paper via CMT.

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Submission of published pre-prints is not encouraged. However, submissions will be considered for review, with the limitation that anonymity to reviewers might be violated. Submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. Authors of accepted submissions will be required to attend and give a presentation at the workshop. Accepted submissions will be published in the IUI 2023 joint workshop proceedings (through CEUR or similar).

Submission need to be prepared for review using the ACM Conference Proceedings single-column format: we recommend using Overleaf or the offline Latex Template using \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} as setting, or the Word Submission Template.


Schedule shown in your estimated timezone ()


The Impact of Salient Musical Features in a Hybrid Recommendation System for a Sound Library

Toward a Tool for Music Personalization for Cochlear Implant Users

EmoMusic: A New Fun and Interactive Way to Listen to Music

Composing with Generative Systems in the Digital Audio Workstation


Panel Discussion
